5 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

5 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

Your fireplace is likely the focal point of your living room each winter. Keeping it in good condition is essential for efficient operation and, more importantly, for the safety of your family. Follow these five steps to prepare your fireplace for the winter. Prepare...
Boost Your Home’s Online Appeal

Boost Your Home’s Online Appeal

More and more buyers shop for homes on the internet. Many real estate agents have websites and it’s easy to find MLS listings online. It’s you’re planning to list your home for sale, it’s important to think about how a potential buyer might find your property. When...
6 Grilling Safety Tips

6 Grilling Safety Tips

Summertime provides the perfect weather for grilling. However, according to the National Fire Protection Association, grills, barbecues, and hibachis are responsible for an average of 10,600 house fires each year. You can reduce the risk of fire or injury by...
Create a More Energy-Efficient Home

Create a More Energy-Efficient Home

To reduce your utility bills, there are some easy steps you can take to save energy. Here are a few ways to create a more energy-efficient home. Adjust the Thermostat You’ll make your home more energy efficient by adjusting the temperature whenever you aren’t around....
How to Prepare for a Power Outage

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

A power outage is a major inconvenience for your household. If you’re unprepared, then any length of time without electricity has the potential to leave your family uncomfortable. Here are some ways to prepare for a power outage. Make an Emergency Kit to Prepare for a...